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Hilton Kelley's attendance at LNG Public Hearing Recap

On May 2nd, 2024 Founder and Director Hilton Kelley had the opportunity of speaking before The Texas House State Committee. He along with other community members, industry representatives, and community leaders, had the opportunity to express their health and equity concerns relating to the increased methane (LNG) exports in Port Arthur Texas.

This hearing was called in response to the recent sending of record amounts of liquefied methane (LNG) overseas in recent years. Which has resulted in higher energy bills for Texans and cause further damage to the environment, 

The five-member committee was tasked with developing recommendations for how the Legislature can respond to the Biden Administration’s pause on issuing permits for LNG export facilities. The temporary pause, announced in February, affects multiple planned LNG infrastructure expansion projects, including one in Port Arthur.

Hilton’s insight and suggestions on environmental equity will assist the legislation in making the permitting process for methane  (LNG) more equitable, and environmentally responsible.

The Texas House Select Committee listening to the input and feedback of local community leaders.
Founder and Director Hilton Kelley alongside fellow hearing attendees and local leadership.

The Texas House Select Committee listening to the input and feedback of local community leaders.
Local Pastor of Antioch Baptist Church, Dr. John R. Adolph leading the hearing with an opening prayer.


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