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EPA Visit

In 2010 Port Arthur Texas was selected to be one of the EPA Environmental Justice (EJ) showcase communities. During this project various stakeholders came together in workgroups to find solutions for 6 specific issues. on October 20 2016, CIDA Inc. had the pleasure of a visit from EPA Region 6 (Israel Anderson and Arturo Blanco) and EPA Washington DC (Mustafa Santiago Ali) officials. They took the time out to speak with us at length about the progress the West Side Community in Port Arthur has made. But also about some of the issues that remain. We started the tour at the West Side Development Community Complex, with an inside tour of the Development Center. We then moved on, to view the old Carver Terrace location. followed by a tour of the historic downtown area.

Naturally we could not let them leave without having tasted some of Mrs. Kelley's famous Gumbo!

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