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West Port Arthur Floodplain Management Plan (FMP)

At the request of Community In-Power and Development Association Inc. and Anthropocene Alliance, through an inter-agency group, the United States Army Corps of Engineers developed a Floodplain Management Plan for Port Arthur, Texas. Our Floodplain Management Plan focuses on the larger West Port Arthur area, identifies areas of higher flood risks, and provides various recommendations, such as nature-based solutions to addressing flooding issues. The plan also identifies flood mitigation strategies that would require more research.

The West Port Arthur Floodplain Management Plan was designed by the United States Army Corps of engineers by using the input of the City of Port Arthur, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Texas Water Development Board, Texas General Land Office (GLO), Southeast Texas Regional Planning Commission (SETRPC), CIDA, and other partners.

We at CIDA aim to have a map to provide well designed, sustainable solutions to flooding that works for our Port Arthur residents. In this plan you will find, flood hazard assessments, FMP development process, flood hazard mapping analysis, risks assessments, recommended risk mitigation measures, and many other areas of valuable information.

To learn more about the history of, and solutions to flooding, please read more below.

If you have any questions, comments, or areas of interests surrounding our West Port Arthur Flood Plain Management Plan, please email us at


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